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Coroner na Nagara said this case highlighted the significant risk of death the use of anabolic steroids, dietary stimulants, and body building products can poseto the health and welfare of a user.The police have confirmed the death to be the result of an overdose.The Nagara State Medical Examiner confirmed to the Daily Times of India, however, that it would be a short time before an official ruling could be made.The police are investigating the case, in accordance with Section 5(e) of the Narcotics Act of 1971. Police sources added that the family’s statement will be taken up during the initial forensic investigation, buy weight gain steroids online.A report was also forwarded to the National Anti-Corruption Branch (NACB), according to a news agency report, buy weight gain steroids online.The alleged death was discovered on October 27 at about 5, buy weight gain steroids online.30 pm at a residence in Pangnipol, a community in Nagara’s Kota Nagara, about 100 km from the city, buy weight gain steroids online.Police said the death was the result of respiratory failure caused by an overdose of the drug, buy weight gain steroids online.The family is also understood to have requested the Supreme Court to set aside a district court’s original order which placed restrictions on the sale of the drugs, buy weight gain steroids online.The case was raised by the district court, which asked the NACB to investigate the case, since they said it could be the result of an accidental death, buy weight gain steroids online.The NACB has asked the police to register a First Information Report (FIR) in the case on October 29, buy weight gain steroids online.

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