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“Hate speech” against Muslims, testosterone enanthate cycle for beginners?
Another Facebook posting that caused outrage on the page was a post where the user is described as a “hater” who “wants to kick the sharia out of our country!”
A user named “Kurk” commented: “I’m a Muslim and was not offended, trenbolone enanthate side effects! He posted my pictures (on my facebook page) and then wrote ‘I hate Muslims like you.’ I had the pleasure of meeting him and he is a really nice man, test e side effects.” The next day Kurk wrote on the Facebook page: “HATE YOU!!!”
On a separate occasion, there was another anti Muslim user, “Jihad_Biggie”, who posted: “I think anyone who is a racist or has a problem with someone who lives in a minority, then it’s ok for them to hate Muslims, testobolin uses!”
This user wrote on a March 26 post: “If you don’t want to live under the Sharia Law you should just move to Afghanistan or Iran, or another Muslim country. The only reason you live in Canada is because you hate Muslims and you’re not allowed to live in this Muslim country, testosterone enanthate 250mg.”
In a further post he wrote: “I’m not saying they all are good Muslims or any of them are bad, testobolin x pharma. However, I know what most of them actually do, trenbolone enanthate side effects. But they won’t admit it. Instead they blame Islam for their problems.”
But the user who started this page is known to be active on several other online forums, including “Muhajir”, testobolin uses. It is thought this user may have had several other accounts previously in other social networking sites before switching to Facebook. This seems to be likely, given that he is often identified using his initials “Jihad_Biggie”, testosterone enanthate side effects bodybuilding.
The social media platform has recently made public statements by several users who are said to be associated with the page “Mullah4H” – apparently a Facebook account from which some of the posts have now been deleted, https://itsangroup.ir/buy-steroids-using-paypal-buy-steroids-with-debit-card-uk/.
Sites like “Muhajir” and “Mujahid4H” claim that their purpose is to advocate for peaceful Muslims but it is unclear if they are associated, or even aware, with any particular group.
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